Division Dispatches can be found on the Manitoba School Boards Association's YouTube channel. These short videos provide fast and easy tips, 'how-to' guides, news items and more. Tune in at board meetings or as part of planned professional development for your board or administration. As a quick reference, the start of an open discussion or part of your learning goals for trustees, this resource can be accessed at any time.
This Division Dispatches video series has been produced to assist boards and senior administration teams to do more towards developing respectful, supportive and welcoming learning and working environments where students and staff matter and belong. New videos will be uploaded monthly to the series playlist.
- Member Commitment
- Board Commitment
- Starting Point
- Structural Fixes
- Specific To Do's & Actions
- Two resources, To Do's and Board Commitment, accompany this video.
- Safe & Brave
This Division Dispatches video series has been produced to assist boards and senior administration teams develop a shared understanding of governance and how to enhance its effectiveness.
Partners in Education
This four-part series highlights some of the best resources available on the websites of our Partners in Education. Each video points you to some key areas that trustees can benefit from, and if you like them, the rest is yours to explore.
Community Voice: Getting your message out
This video series provides a toolkit that will help trustees and school boards share positive stories about today’s public schools, with a focus on the role school boards play in making good schools better. Content is available in both video and text formats, and we have included additional resources and discussion questions that will help boards examine and assess their own efforts at getting their message out.
Around the Table
A five-part series on good governance around the board table. These short videos are just some of the resources available under the E2G banner. Many problems that may arise at a board table can be handled using sound principles and practices of good governance.
Effective & Efficient School Board Governance (E2G)
Effective and Efficient Governance (E2G) is a core priority for the association. A standards framework was developed to provide trustees with guidance on these critical elements of school system governance. The nine E2G concepts are explored in this Division Dispatches series.
Practical Procedure
School board meetings are governed by a mix of the legal obligations found in The Public Schools Act, decisions boards made when they adopted their own procedural by-laws, and the requirements of their parliamentary authority (such as Robert’s Rules of Order). The Division Dispatches in the Practical Procedure series explore some of the most frequently asked questions about meeting procedure, questions that often arise as a result of conflicts between and among these various sources.
Additional Videos
The MUST Fund video that may be of interest to individual trustees, member boards, and administrators as it reviews the history of the Fund and its importance. Learn more about the association's MUST Fund.
Featured Series
DEI: Safe & Brave
Resources for Series
None for this video