The Manitoba School Boards Association has created a number of resources that are relevant to Manitoba school trustees. The Association also acts as a clearing house for resources from other Canadian or international jurisdictions that speak to more general aspects of board or school board governance. In addition, the association produces a bi-weekly e-bulletin which provides information on both internal organizational matters and current or emerging issues in education.
- Local Voices, Local Choices
- Quick Facts about School Boards
- Towards Equity in Education (A project of the SPCW in partnership MASS, Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning, MSBA, MTS)
- Public schools matter to everyone| Les écoles publiques sont importantes pour tout le monde!
- Public schools matter to everyone (one page flyer) | Les écoles publiques sont importantes pour tout le monde! (dépliant)
- Your School Board & Manitoba School Boards Association
School Boards & Trusteeship
- Be it resolved - A resolutions primer for Manitoba school boards
- Rules of Procedure
- Rules of Procedure - Notice of Motion
- Remote Meetings: Tips for School Board Members to Look and Sound Their Best Online
- School Board Member Handbook
- School Boards and Trusteeship in Manitoba
- Commissions scolaires et commissaires d'école au Manitoba
- Leading Together: A Resource Guide for School Boards, Superintendents and Secretary-Treasurers
- Governing School Boards & Student Achievement (infographic)
- Elected School boards and High Quality Education (A literature review on the linkages between high-quality public education systems and governing school boards, published by CSBA)
Reference Guides
Two reference guides have been produced by MSBA to promote safe schools for students, while promoting the best interests of staff:
Education Finance
- The EdCan Network (by CEA) focuses on linking research, policy and practice.
- The Council of Ministers of Education (CMEC) provides leadership in education at the pan-Canadian and international levels and contributes to the exercise of the exclusive jurisdiction of provinces and territories over education.
- The Center for Public Education is a branch of the National School Boards Association that is dedicated to the improvement of student achievement through the use of educational research, data, and analysis. Although most of its research is American-based, much of it is applicable to Canadian students and schools.
Related Links
Standing Together for Safe Schools (joint statement by education partners - September 2023)