The Role of School Boards
School boards are elected by the voters of a school division or district to provide for the educational needs of the community's school-aged children. By provincial law, there are certain things that every school board must do, and certain services they must provide. However, there are also things that school boards may do. School boards work with their communities to ensure that local schools offer the specific programs and services that meet community needs. School trustees are the community members elected to serve on school boards. They come from all walks of life, but share a common desire to serve youth and their communities. A complete description of the powers and duties of school boards can be found in The Public Schools Act.
Becoming a School Trustee
School board elections are held every four years, in conjunction with municipal elections, on the fourth Wednesday in October. The next election will be held on October 28, 2026.
In order to run for school trustee, a candidate must be a Canadian citizen who is at least 18 years old and an actual resident of the school division or district in which they are running. The following individuals are disqualified from serving as school trustee: a Member of the Legislative Assembly or the Senate or House of Commons of Canada, a member of the council of a municipality, or a pupil in regular attendance at a school within the same school division or district. Employees may serve as trustee in the division or district where they work, but they are required to take a leave of absence to do so.
Once an individual decides to run for the office of school trustee, this next step is obtain the necessary number of signatures on an official nomination form. You can find out more about the nomination and election process in the association's guide, School Boards and Trusteeship in Manitoba, in The Public Schools Act, and in The Municipal Councils and Schools Boards Elections Act.
Frequently Asked Questions
Some of the questions we are asked most frequently at the Manitoba School Boards Association office, and their answers, are listed below. If you have questions about trusteeship please contact us. We can be reached by phone at 204-233-1595, or toll-free at 1-800-262-8836.
If you have questions that are specific to your own school division or district, contact the school board office.
Effective & Efficient Board Governance (E2G)
Trustee Profile Survey Results (2018)
Trustee Profile Survey Results (2015)
School Boards and Trusteeship in Manitoba
Commissions scolaires et commissaires d'école au Manitoba
Conflict of Interest Guidelines
Guide to Resolving Complaints
School Board | Provincial Association brochure