Convention 2025


2025 Annual Convention - March 20 & 21, 2025

Connection Collaboration Celebration

Leading Forward for ALL Students logo

The Manitoba School Boards Association’s 61st Annual Convention will be held March 20 & 21 in Winnipeg.  Day 1 will focus on professional development followed by the President's Banquet. Resolutions will debated on Day 2. Association business, including elections for positions on the Provincial Executive, will also be conducted on Day 2.

Program Highlights - Keynote Speaker

Leading Forward for ALL Students logo

Cassie Campbell-Pascall will open the Annual Convention with a keynote address on Thursday morning. Cassie is a two-time Olympic gold medalist in women’s hockey and an eight-time world champion. Additionally, she made history as the first woman to provide colour commentary on Hockey Night in Canada. We eagerly anticipate Cassie sharing her experiences on the board of Hockey Canada, her personal journey, and her insights on board governance and leadership.

Registration is Open - EventCamp

EventCamp is the Association’s online registration platform for the event. With EventCamp, secretary-treasurers will reserve conference passes in advance and register names when confirmed. Workshop selections can be made when the choices become available. Contact Riel (Ree) Dion by email ( or call (C: 204.230.6330) at EventCamp should you have questions or need assistance.

The full registration package offers delegates the option of a registration fee that includes the President’s Banquet or one that does not include the President’s Banquet. Partial registration choices are also available.

Click here to register:

Recognition of Achievement

Each year at its Annual Convention, MSBA honours long-serving trustees and exemplary individuals.  More information about MSBA's awards program can be found by visiting the Awards page. 

Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship packages are available through EventCamp. Choose from one of the prebuilt sponsorship packages offered or contact Riel (Ree) Dion at 204-230-6330 or by email ( to build a custom package.


The Delta Hotel in Winnipeg will be the conference hotel.  Online booking information will be posted when available.


Trustees are encouraged to volunteer to serve on the Convention Planning Committee. Complete the Volunteer Committee Form and we will contact you. New volunteers are needed to provide a fresh perspective to all aspects of planning the annual convention.

Planning CommitteeNominating CommitteeResolutions Committee
Fred Kelesnik, Red River ValleyFloyd Martens, Mountain ViewFloyd Martens, Mountain View
Penny Helgason, EvergreenRobert Rivard, Seine RiverRobert Rivard, Seine River
Theresa Bergson, Seine RiverYolande Dupuis, DSFMAlan Campbell, Interlake
Jack Bogaski, Lord SelkirkHenk Warnar-Brown, SD of Mystery Lake
Leah Klassen, Garden ValleyJack Bogaski, Lord Selkirk
Heather Poirier, Red River ValleyJosh Watt, MSBA staff
Jodie Taylor, MSBA Staff